Translation for "dos troncos" to english
Translation examples
Todos sus manuscritos fueron abrigados y puesto en dos grandes troncos, y de vez en cuando durante los siglos 18 y 19, personas que estaban escribiendo sobre Newton sería ir a rebuscar a través de estos dos troncos.
All his manuscripts were bundled up and put into two large trunks, and from time to time during the 18th and 19th centuries, people who were writing about Newton would go and rummage through these two trunks.
Pero, papá, ¿cómo se le forma al árbol dos troncos?
But, Dad, how does a tree get two trunks?
Miró al bosque al hacerlo y Bosch se ocultó detrás de uno de los dos troncos del eucalipto.
He looked out into the woods as he did this and Bosch moved back behind one of the eucalyptus’s two trunks.
Los separaron y ataron a dos troncos en los extremos del claro, de modo que entre ellos hubiera una larga hilera de árboles.
They were separated and tied to two trunks almost at opposite ends of the clearing, with a line of trees between them.
Llevaban los escudos en alto como formando un techo y empujaban en el centro dos troncos enormes.
They held their great shields above them like a roof, while in their midst they bore two trunks of mighty trees.
Los dos troncos se enderezaron al punto: por un instante la poderosa musculatura de Beso se tensó en el imposible esfuerzo del impacto, luego su cuerpo fue desmembrado.
The two trunks immediately straightened and for an instant Bessus’s powerfully muscled body tightened in the impossible strain of the tension, then he was torn apart.
Uno de los dos troncos se movía en la orilla.
One of the two logs was moving in to the bank.
Para el mediano fueron necesarios dos troncos que pusieron el uno sobre el otro.
For the halfling, it took two logs one placed on top of another.
Michael le echó dos troncos a Calcifer y le llamó.
Michael threw two logs on Calcifer and called him.
Un palo largo que daba vueltas en el agua se agregó a los dos troncos.
A large stick, turning in the water, added itself to the two logs.
Atravesó un profundo abismo cruzando sobre dos troncos que estaban atados.
It traversed a steep chasm across two logs which had been lashed together.
Uno se acercó en una balsa sobre dos troncos a guisa de flotadores, otros en pequeñas chalanas de madera.
One was on a raft with two logs for pontoons, and others rowed up in small wooden scows.
De repente dos troncos chocaron con fuerza, atraparon el brazo del frustrado rescatador y le partieron la muñeca.
Then two logs collided hard on the would-be rescuer’s arm, breaking his wrist.
Los dioses levantaron los dos troncos y los colocaron verticales sobre la arena, altos como dos seres humanos.
The gods took the two logs. They set the logs so they were upright on the sand, the height of people.
Yo me canso, pero él no. Lalande Biran introdujo la cabeza en el hueco entre dos troncos de caoba e inhaló profundamente.
I get tired, but he doesn’t.’ Lalande Biran put his head in between two logs and inhaled deeply.
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