Translation for "dos de los hermanos" to english
Dos de los hermanos
Translation examples
two of the brothers
Dos de sus hermanos habían sido arrestados el 4 de marzo.
Two of his brothers were arrested on 4 March.
6.2 Los dos autores son hermanos, nacidos en 1981 (el primero) y 1980 (el segundo), ambos ciudadanos del Afganistán.
6.2 The two complainants are brothers, born in 1981 (the first complainant) and 1980 (the second complainant). They are both citizens of Afghanistan.
Dos de los hermanos fueron alcanzados por disparos de los soldados y uno de ellos recibió siete disparos a quemarropa.
Two of the brothers were shot by uniformed soldiers, with one being struck seven times at close range.
Al igual que dos de sus hermanos, es sordomuda.
Like two of her brothers, she is deaf and mute.
Tengo cuatro personas discapacitadas en casa, mi padre y dos de mis hermanos, de resultas de su detención, y mi madre.
I have four people at home who are handicapped, my father and two of my brothers as a result of their detention, and my mother.
Dos de sus hermanos fueron ejecutados bajo el régimen de Saddam Hussein.
Two of his brothers were executed under Saddam Hussein's regime.
Cerca de una hora después, dos de sus hermanos fueron puestos en libertad, pero él y otro de sus hermano siguieron detenidos.
After about an hour, two of his brothers were released, but he and one of his brothers were kept in detention.
Afirma que durante la detención los policías maltrataron a su madre y golpearon con porras a dos de sus hermanos.
He says that, while he was being arrested, the police manhandled his mother and beat two of his brothers with their truncheons.
Dos de los hermanos murieron luchando contra los japoneses.
Two of the brothers were killed fighting the Japanese.
Los dos imbéciles son hermanos.
The two assholes are brothers
Dos de sus hermanos habían muerto.
Two of his brothers had died.
Los otros dos eran, evidentemente, hermanos;
The other two were evidently brothers.
Dos de sus hermanos se habían casado y tenían hijos.
Two of his brothers were married and had children.
Junto a la puerta de la cocina estaban dos de sus hermanos.
Two of her brothers stood by the door to the kitchen.
Ahmad trabaja con su padre y dos de sus hermanos.
Ahmad worked the land with his father and two of his brothers.
Todos mis primos y dos de mis hermanos tienen la tez morena.
All my cousins, two of my brothers, they’re brown.”
—Vamos a contar dos historias distintas, hermano.
—We are going to tell two separate stories, brother.
Para ellos yo era el Uno, el que murió era el Dos, y… el hermano de arriba era el Tres.
I was One to them, the baby that died was Two and . . . the brother upstairs was Three.
A dos de mis hermanos tampoco les desagrada.
and I have two brothers who do not dislike it.
—Si ella insistiera en enterrar a dos de sus hermanos —continuó Paola— o a tres, ¿acabaría siendo más noble?
Paola went on: ‘If she insisted on burying two brothers, three, would she be braver or more noble?
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