Translation for "desde su llegada" to english
Desde su llegada
Translation examples
Apenas ha hablado desde su llegada.
She has barely spoken since arriving here.
Era la primera pregunta que Bloomfield hacía desde su llegada.
It was the first question Bloomfield had asked since arriving.
ha envejecido diez años desde su llegada aquí.
he has aged ten years since arriving here.
Desde su llegada a Kingsbridge apenas se había acordado del niño.
He had hardly thought of the baby since arriving at Kingsbridge.
*694 ss.) se refiere a lo que han conocido desde su llegada.
*694 ff.) refers to what they had learned since arrival.
Era la primera vez que hablaba desde su llegada al hospital, cuando se enteró de que habían llegado tarde.
It was the first she’d spoken since arriving at the hospital and learning they had arrived too late.
Era el niño de todos los hombres con los que se había acostado desde su llegada a Bridgend.
That the baby was the child of all the men she’d slept with since arriving at Bridgend.
since his arrival
No sólo aseguramos las primeras fotos desde su llegada, también tenemos el primer mensaje del líder del segundo frente.
In securing these first pictures since his arrival, we also have the first newsreel message from the leader of the second front.
Y... sin embargo no ha contactado con usted desde su llegada a Londres.
And yet he had not contacted you since his arrival here in London.
Lo que deduje por la evidencia desde su llegada ayer.
What I've deduced from the evidence since his arrival yesterday.
Según se informa, el Rey Charles ha perdido un número importante de soldados... así como todos los tesoros robados desde su llegada a Italia, incluido un pedazo de la Santa Cruz y el brazo de San Denis.
King Charles has reportedly lost a significant number of soldiers as well as all the treasure stolen since his arrival in Italy, including a piece of the Holy Cross and the arm of Saint Denis.
Hemos mantenido un registro hora por hora de sus actividades desde su llegada.
We have maintained an hour-by-hour log of his activities since his arrival.
Bueno, aparte del viaje de turismo al que fue hace una hora, ha estado conmigo desde su llegada a Boston.
Well, other than the sightseeing trip he took an hour ago, he's been with me since his arrival in Boston.
Desde su llegada, ha desparramado malestar en las filas.
Since his arrival, he's spread unrest in the ranks.
Hemos analizado el conjunto de menús desde su llegada y necesitamos que abandone todo lo que sea salsa, queso y pastelería.
Analyzed the set of menus since his arrival abandon everything and need for sauce, cheese and sweet.
No obstante, desde su llegada, he tenido que preguntarme si esa reputación es merecida o si la hemos perdido.
And yet since his arrival here, I has been forced to ask myself whether that reputation is deserved. Or whether we have lost something.
Habían pasado ya cinco días desde su llegada.
It was now five days since his arrival.
Desde su llegada a Krondor había tenido poco que hacer.
Since his arrival in Krondor there had been little for him to do.
No le he visto comer nada desde su llegada.
Since his arrival, I haven’t seen him eat anything.
Bond había observado que no dejaba de hacerlo desde su llegada.
Bond had observed him doing this since his arrival.
Pero, por primera vez desde su llegada, sintió que lo aceptaban.
Yet for the first time since his arrival, he felt accepted.
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