Translation for "desconsoladamente" to english
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Translation examples
Estaba mirando algo desconsoladamente.
It was staring disconsolately at something.
—Nada en absoluto —replicó desconsoladamente el inspector—.
“Nothing there,” replied the Inspector disconsolately.
—Hola —saludó Adán desconsoladamente.
   "Hi," said Adam, disconsolately.
—Peor aún —respondió desconsoladamente Moraine.
Moiraine replied disconsolately.
Estaba meditando desconsoladamente acerca de su posición;
      He was disconsolately considering his position;
"Cada que quisiste me hiciste llorar desconsoladamente."
"Whenever you wanted, you made me cry inconsolably."
Descubrir que ... (Sollozando desconsoladamente)
Finding out that... (SOBBING INCONSOLABLY)
Melocotones berreaba desconsoladamente.
Peaches howled inconsolably.
Empezó a llorar, amarga, desconsoladamente.
He began to weep, harshly, inconsolably.
Una de las muchachas se echó a llorar desconsoladamente.
One of the girls burst into inconsolable tears.
Se derrumbó sobre mi pecho, llorando desconsoladamente.
He fell to weeping inconsolably on my breast.
estaba de rodillas, tocándose las costillas y gimiendo desconsoladamente.
was on his knees, clutching his ribs, moaning inconsolably.
Al regresar a su alojamiento, se echó a llorar desconsoladamente.
When she returned to their lodging, she wept inconsolably.
Amanda lloraba desconsoladamente a causa tanto del desconcierto como del dolor.
Amanda howled inconsolably, as much in confusion as in pain.
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