Translation for "de pie cerca de" to english
De pie cerca de
Translation examples
Otros hablaron de grupos de hombres capturados que se hallaban de pie cerca del camino con las manos detrás de la cabeza.
Others gave accounts of groups of captured men who were standing near the road with their hands behind their heads.
Alexandra estaba de pie cerca de él.
Alexandra was standing near him.
—Se hallaba en pie cerca de un terraplén.
“She was standing near an embankment.”
Hennessey estaba de pie cerca de la popa.
Hennessey was standing near the stern.
Jane estaba de pie cerca de la rubia.
Jane was standing near the blonde.
Estaba de pie, cerca de la orquesta, contemplando a los músicos.
He was standing near the orchestra, watching the musicians.
Estar de pie cerca de la entrada está considerado como falta de tacto.
Standing near the entrance is considered a faux pas.
de pie, cerca del torno, un marinero se dispone a cerrarlo.
standing near the winch, a sailor is about to close it again.
Continuó de pie cerca de la puerta corredera de vidrio.
He continued to stand near the sliding glass door.
Krug está de pie cerca de lo que será la entrada oeste de la torre.
Krug stands near what will be the tower's western entrance.
Kenny estaba de pie cerca de las escaleras, mirándola sin comprender.
Kenny was standing near the stairs, regarding her blankly.
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