Translation for "de frases" to english
Translation examples
Esa no es mi frase.
That is not my phrase.
Después de la frase "extensión para los clientes", insértese la frase "de conformidad con los mandatos legislativos".
After the phrase "outreach to clients", insert the phrase "in accordance with legislative mandates".
Frases de riesgo
Risk phrases
El orador sugiere remplazar la frase "el público también tiene el derecho" con la frase "el público tiene derecho propio a" y la frase "la función específica de un periodista y/o editor", con la frase "la función específica de todo periodista".
He suggested replacing the phrase "the public also has a right" with the phrase "the public has their right", and the phrase "the specific function of a journalist and/or editor" with the phrase "the specific function of any journalist".
Frase clave
Key phrase
Un giro interesante de frase, Henry.
Interesting turn of phrase, Henry.
Noten la economía de frases.
Notice the economy of phrasing.
Sus giros de frase mayormente confunden.
Your turn of phrase is most confounding.
Solo un par de frases que repasar con los de legal.
Just a couple of phrases to go over with legal.
- Me sé un par de frases.
That's good. No, I have a couple of phrases.
Fue un giro de frase.
It was a turn of phrase.
¡Oh, qué bonito giro de frase!
Oh, what a pretty turn of phrase!
Es un hermoso cambio de frase.
That's a lovely turn of phrase.
Lo que necesitamos es algún tipo de libro de frases.
Well, we're going to need some kind of phrase book.
El sublime genio poeta de una inteligente gama de frases.
The sublime poetic genius of a clever turn of phrase.
—Esa frase… ¿dónde he visto yo esa frase?
“That phrase…now where did I see that phrase?”
luego escribía un borrador y lo elaboraba frase por frase.
then he elaborated the thing phrase by phrase.
-¿Qué frase es esa?
“What was the phrase?”
esa es la frase que usa.
– that is the phrase.
—era su frase favorita, que se había convertido en su única frase—.
It was his favorite phrase. It had become his only phrase.
—Señor, no son las frases.
Sir, it is not phrasing.
Era una buena frase.
It was a good phrase.
No son frases huecas.
These are no hollow phrases;
Ésta es alta frase, una falta de frase.
That's an ill phrase, a vile phrase.
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