Translation for "de broma" to english
De broma
Translation examples
La policía detuvo a tres neonazis a los que acusó del delito, pero posteriormente los dejó en libertad aduciendo que "sólo pretendían gastar una broma".
Three neo-Nazis were arrested and charged with the crime by the police, but were later released on the grounds that "they only tried to play a joke".
La leyenda del tirano que gastaba bromas crueles a sus súbditos Ha sido una historia interesante.
It was an interesting story: the legend of the tyrant who would play a cruel trick on his subjects.
El bromo sigue desempeñando una importante función en el agotamiento del ozono estratosférico.
Bromine continues to play a major role in stratospheric ozone depletion.
El Globe era el nombre del teatro de Shakespeare en el Londres del siglo XVI, una broma que le gustaba incorporar en muchas de sus obras.
The Globe was the name of Shakespeare's playhouse in sixteenth-century London, a joke he liked to work into many of his plays.
Esa gente no está para bromas.
These people are not playing games.
Jake, no estoy para bromas.>
Jake, this is not the time to be playing jokes.>
Le gastaré una broma.
I’ll play a joke on him.
¡No es broma! ¡No es ninguna comedia!
‘This is no joke, no play-act!’
El emperador no se andaba con bromas.
The Kaiser was not playing games.
Alguno que estará haciendo bromas.
Somebody is playing jokes.
Que nos estabas haciendo una broma.
That you were playing a joke on us.
¡Le habían gastado una de sus bromas!
They were playing one of their jokes on her.
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