Translation for "date prisa" to english
Date prisa
Translation examples
Date prisa, date prisa. Vamos a perderlos.
Hurry up, hurry up. We’re gonna lose them.
–Entonces, date prisa.
      "Hurry up, then."
Date prisa, ¿quieres?
Hurry up, will you?
—¡Date prisa, maldita sea!
Hurry up, goddamnit!
date prisa y fracasa».
hurry up and fail.
—¡Date prisa, Alexander!
Hurry up, Alexander!”
—¡Date prisa, Pipkin!
Hurry up, Pipkin!”
Pero date prisa, ¿eh?
And hurry up, will you please?
—¡Vamos, date prisa!
Come on, come on,”
—¡Date prisa, Baffels!
Come on, Baffels!”
jesús mío, date prisa.
Sweet Jesus, come on.
–Bobby, date prisa, maldita sea.
Bobby, come on, damn it.
Date prisa, jovencito.
Come along, young man.
Date prisa, Pamela.
Come along, Pamela!
Vamos, Perkins, date prisa.
Come along, Perkins, make haste.
Date prisa, Ghode, vamos.
Come along, Sanju.
Date prisa, hijo —dijo su papá—.
'Come along now, my boy,.' said his father.
Date prisa, Sara —le dijo Claudia, dándole un codazo para que entrara.
Come along, Sarah,” Cleo said, giving her a nudge inside.
Date prisa —dijo Oswald, con toda la autoridad de la que fue capaz—, que vamos a llegar tarde a misa.
'Come along,' Oswald said with all the authority he could summon, 'or we'll be late for mass.'
Este rayo de sol y esta alegría despreocupada, en el preciso instante en que él luchaba contra su desesperación… Las lágrimas se le vinieron a los ojos. —¡Vamos, date prisa!
The sunshine, her careless joy—at the very moment when he was fighting down his despair! His eyes filled with tears. “Come along!
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