Translation for "cuyo patrimonio" to english
Cuyo patrimonio
Translation examples
La República de Belarús es uno de los fragmentos de un país que fue muy poderoso y cuyo patrimonio se ha repartido de forma muy desigual: su base energética está desequilibrada, el volumen de producción se ha reducido a la mitad en los últimos años, la inflación causa estragos, el déficit presupuestario se ha acentuado y ha sido necesario invertir sumas considerables para transformar la industria militar y atenuar las secuelas del desastre de Chernobyl.
The Republic of Belarus was one of the fragments of a country which had been very powerful and whose heritage had been distributed very unequally. Its energy basis was unbalanced, the volume of its production had dropped by half in recent years, inflation was rife, the budget deficit had deepened and considerable amounts had had to be spent to convert the military industry and alleviate the effects of the Chernobyl disaster.
Balder se expresó con elocuencia sobre la subida de las aguas que estaba expulsando al pueblo de Vanuatu de su tierra ancestral, poniendo de relieve la tragedia de los niños cuyo patrimonio se veía arrasado por la impetuosa ola que había provocado el insensible gigante industrial del norte.
Balder spoke in vivid terms about how the people of Vanutu were being flooded out of their ancestral homeland, emphasizing the tragedy of young children whose heritage was washing away in raging surf caused by a callous industrial giant to the north.
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