Translation for "consigo" to english
Translation examples
No consigo reconocerlo... ".
I can't quite recognize him ... "
Como llevaba su almuerzo consigo, lo acusaron de llevar comida a una organización terrorista.
He had his lunch with him and was accused of taking food to a terrorist organization.
La llevaba consigo cuando viajaba a la Isla Epi.
He took her with him when he traveled to Epi Island.
La persona frente a la fila de identificación dice: "Mmm... no consigo reconocerlo...".
The person in front of the line-up is saying: "Hmm ... I can't quite recognize him ...";
El Embajador Soutar trae consigo una gran experiencia respecto de las cuestiones que la Conferencia tiene ante sí.
Ambassador Soutar brings with him rich experience on matters before this Conference.
Además, se lleva consigo nuestra profunda admiración y nuestros mejores deseos para el futuro.
In addition, he takes with him our deepest admiration and our best wishes for the future.
El reclamante dice que no llevó consigo ninguno de sus objetos de valor cuando se fue a los Estados Unidos.
The claimant indicated that he did not take any of his valuables with him to the United States.
Cuando el oficial Hizkiyahu se le aproximó, el hombre hizo detonar una bomba que llevaba consigo.
As Officer Hizkiyahu approached him, the man blew himself up.
Si lo hubiera traído consigo, se lo habría llevado también consigo.
If he had brought it with him, he would have taken it away with him.
Él las tenía consigo.
He had them all with him.
—Se la ha llevado consigo.
- He took it with him.
—¿La llevaba consigo?
“He had it with him?”
– ¿Y lo ha llevado consigo?
“And he took it with him?”
Se la llevó consigo.
He took them with him.
iii) El interesado se compromete a llevarse consigo el arma cuando salga de Estonia.
If he or she takes the weapon out of Estonia on his or her departure.
No se lo había llevado consigo.
She hadn’t taken it with her.
—No, se los llevó consigo.
No, she took them with her.
No consigo contactar con ella.
“I can’t reach her.
Se lo había llevado consigo.
She’d have gone with her.
La había llevado consigo a la cama.
She had taken it with her into her bed.
Había traído consigo a su gato;
She had brought her cat with her;
—¿Llevaba algo consigo?
Did she have anything with her?
No consigo que descanse;
I can't make her rest;
—No consigo desentrañarla.
'I can't work her out.
with oneself
Siempre está uno atrasado consigo mismo.
One is always in arrears to oneself.
Puede que hubiese llegado la hora de hacer las paces consigo misma.
It might be making-peace-with-oneself time.
Lo pone a uno en paz consigo mismo y con el mundo.
It puts one in good humour with oneself and all the world.
Sí y no. Sí, porque es muy difícil ser franco consigo mismo.
Yes and no. Yes, because it is very difficult to be frank with oneself.
En momentos como aquél era sencillo vivir en paz consigo misma.
At times like this it was so easy to live in peace with oneself.
También la lucha de clases se transforma en una lucha interna consigo mismo.
Even class struggle has transformed into an inner struggle against oneself.
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