Translation for "condenado al infierno" to english
Condenado al infierno
Translation examples
Es sumamente preocupante leer, en los manuales de la enseñanza escolar saudí, que el Islam es la única religión verdadera que lleva a sus adeptos al paraíso, mientras que los demás - judíos, cristianos- tachados de infieles, son condenados al infierno.
He was also gravely concerned over passages in Saudi textbooks affirming that Islam was the only true religion, whose followers would have a place in paradise, while all others Jews and Christians - were infidels and thus condemned to hell.
Ésa es la palabra con que se llaman entre aullidos los condenados al infierno
That is the word that those condemned to hell use to call each other among howls.
Si me traicionas seras condenado al infierno.
If you betray me, you'll be condemned to hell.
"El que mata deliberadamente ... Será condenado al infierno por toda la eternidad."
"He who deliberately kills shall be condemned to Hell for all eternity."
Seguramente será condenada al infierno si sigue suelta. - ¡Madre de Dios!
Yes, but if your daughter were to die tomorrow, she would be condemned to hell.
Billones muerieron antes de nosotros, que no conoc'an tu religion, que estaban condenados al infierno porque no conocian la palabra...
Billions of people died before us, who didn't know our religions, who are condemned to hell because they didn't know the word...
¡Los cientificos desalmados fueron condenados al infierno!
Soulless scientists were condemned to hell!
Ya estoy condenado al infierno por haber matado a esos tres.
“I’m already condemned to hell for killing those three.
¿Acaso fueron condenados al infierno por no ser feligreses del Segundo Nabí de Cheyenne, Wyoming?
Were they condemned to Hell because they hadn’t been Followers of the Second Bab of Cheyenne, Wyoming?
Pues si Dios es la caridad infinita, al cabo tiene que perdonar a Lucifer y liberar a las almas condenadas al infierno.
For if God is infinite love, eventually He has to pardon Lucifer and free the souls condemned to hell.
MOYERS: Pero uno de mis mitos preferidos es la historia persa según la cual Satán fue condenado al infierno por amar tanto a Dios.
            MOYERS: And yet one of my favorite myths is the story from Persia that Satan was condemned to hell because he loved God so much.
Y si conseguimos cruzar la Gran Cordillera, quizá, sólo quizá, podamos unirnos a una tribu que no sepa que hemos sido condenados al Infierno.
And maybe — just maybe — if we can cross the great Range, we can join a tribe that hasn't heard about our being condemned to Hell.
Aquel paisaje, que al principio le había parecido como el esqueleto de una naturaleza condenada al infierno, revelaba a cada paso su vida oculta y secreta, formada por tenues perfumes que el viento libre e incontaminado llevaba desde tierras y mares lejanos, de fulgores y sombras evanescentes, de presencias escondidas que se intuían en los silencios irreales del alba, en los fuegos del crepúsculo.
That landscape, which in the beginning had seemed a skeleton of nature condemned to hell, revealed a hidden, secret life with every step: tenuous scents carried on swift, uncontaminated winds to distant lands and seas, fleeting shadows and sudden flashes of light, concealed presences which gave the only hint of their being in the unreal silence of dawn or the flames of sunset. He realized that they were walking along the beds of evaporated rivers and lakes;
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