Translation for "con fina" to english
Con fina
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Su piel era blanca, como de haber estado largamente confinada, pero era clara y fina.
Her skin was white as from long confinement within doors; but it was clear and fine.
Lo hermoso de la naturaleza se limita a la fina piel del globo sobre el que nos apiñamos.
What is pretty in nature is confined to the thin skin of the globe upon which we huddle.
Una cadena muy larga y fina, sujeta al collar que Reetha llevaba al cuello, la ataba a una anilla de hierro fijada en el suelo enlosado, más o menos en el centro de la cocina.
A very long thin chain confined Reetha by her neck collar to a large, recessed, iron ring-bolt in the kitchen's tiled floor near the center of the room.
La rigidez de Moody se le antojaba un collarín a la moda, de hechura aristocrática e insoportablemente restrictivo para quien lo llevaba —así veía él todas las convenciones de la gente fina: como adornos inútiles— y disfrutaba al ver a Moody tan incómodo a causa de su refinamiento.
He regarded Moody’s stiffness as if it were a fashionable collar, made in some aristocratic style, that was unbearably confining to the wearer—he saw all conventions of polite society in this way, as useless ornamentations—and it amused him, that the man’s refinement caused him to be so ill at ease.
Y aunque era hermosa, de pelo castaño claro y cara larga y fina y ojos que a menudo se estrechaban por un regocijo reprimido, y aunque en ciertos estados de ánimo la miraba maravillado, había decidido hacía mucho tiempo asignarle estrictamente el papel de vecina y amiga amable.
And though she was beautiful, with pale brown hair and a long thin face, and eyes that often appeared narrowed by suppressed mirth, and though in certain moods I looked at her in wonder, I’d decided early on to confine her in the role of kind, neighbourly friend.
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