Translation for "comieron juntos" to english
Comieron juntos
Translation examples
Comieron juntos tranquilamente, sin apenas hablar.
They ate together quietly, saying little;
Buscaron frutos y nueces; comieron juntos;
They hunted for fruit and nuts; they ate together;
Comieron juntos en extremos opuestos de una mesa excesivamente larga.
They ate together at the far ends of a too-long table.
Comieron juntos y charlaron, enfrentados en un elegante duelo verbal.
They ate together, and talked, gently fencing around one another.
Comieron juntos después de anochecer, cuando no había nada más que practicar, ni que limpiar u ordenar.
They ate together after dark when there was nothing else to practise or to clear or to clean.
Pronto le llevaron comida, y todos comieron juntos, reunidos en torno de la cama.
Soon they brought food in to him, and they all ate together, gathered around the bed.
Luego se levantó, puso sobre la mesa pan, queso y vino) y comieron juntos.
Then he rose, and set out bread and cheese and wine on the table, and they ate together.
Comieron juntos, y luego él se lavó las manos de modo ostensible para ir a dormir.
He and the girl ate together, and then he washed himself rather ostentatiously as they prepared for sleep.
Los mineros fueron presentados a los tiradores de la segunda cuadrilla, y todos charlaron y comieron juntos esa noche.
The miners were introduced to the pullers of the second crew, and they all talked and ate together that night.
Comieron juntos tratando de temas que le interesaban, y poco a poco, muy lentamente, Jochi se fue relajando, arropado por la calidez de sus voces.
They ate together talking around him, and very slowly he began to relax, warmed by the sound of their voices.
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