Translation for "cofrade" to english
Translation examples
La mayoría de los cofrades desviaron su atención hacia la imagen.
Most of the brothers shifted their attention to her image.
Parece que tampoco sus cofrades científicos están muy orgullosos de él.
His brothers of science don't seem too fond of him, either.
«Por la calle del Almirante», escuchó entonces que se transmitían de uno a otro cofrade hasta la cabeza de la procesión.
“To Almirante Street,” he then heard transmitted from one brother to the next until it reached the head of the procession.
Corrían rumores en un pueblo tan pequeño sobre cómo metía en vereda a su familia el cofrade Gottfrid.
There were plenty of rumors in the small community about Brother Gottfrid’s approach to disciplining his family.
Willard se enteró de casi todo lo que había ocurrido gracias a un compasivo cofrade de la logia que aquella noche estaba de patrulla.
Most of what happened subsequently Willard learned from a sympathetic lodge brother who was on duty in the squad car that night.
Ya verá —le dijo indicando los huesos apilados— que al cabo de un tiempo mis cofrades le parecerán menos inquietantes.
You’ll find,’ he said, sweeping a hand towards the stacked bones, ‘that after a while these brothers of mine will seem less disturbing.
—¡Oh, cofrade modesto!… —criticó el mordaz «Petifoque», satisfecho de poder dar un picotazo a su viejo maestre.
Uh, Brother Modesto! Little Flocco shrieked, happy to have a way to throw a joke at his old master.
A esos, sus primos hermanos, sus cofrades, la literatura había querido presentarlos jorobados y perversos, haciendo de su tara física la manifestación visible de una tara moral.
Literature had wanted to present all of these first cousins, his brothers, as hunchbacked and deviant, making their physical condition a manifestation of their spiritual defects.
huevos grandes como correspondía a una hermandad de prestigio, porque los pequeños, los que pasaban por un agujero que los cofrades tenían hecho en una tablilla de madera para comprobar su grosor, los desechaban.
big eggs as was to be expected of a prestigious brotherhood, because the little ones, those that fit through a hole that the brothers had made in a wooden board to check their width, were rejected.
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