Translation for "causarla" to english
Translation examples
- No debe causarle ningún daño material o moral.
He must not cause her any material or moral harm.
d) Acecha al miembro de la familia para causarle temor o miedo;
stalks the family member so as to cause him or her apprehension or fear;
f) sea maltratado o descuidado de manera que pueda causarle sufrimiento o daño a la salud;
(f) is ill-treated or neglected in a manner likely to cause him suffering or injury to health;
Aparte de causarle mucho dolor, ese trato supuso el serio riesgo de que su estado de salud se agravara.
Apart from itself causing severe pain, such treatment seriously risked exacerbating his medical condition.
La responsabilidad se imputa al operador que ha causado el daño o que se encuentra en peligro inminente de causarlo.
The liability is placed on the operator who has caused the damage or who is faced with the imminent threat of such damage.
La crisis se inició en los países desarrollados pero ha afectado a muchos países en desarrollo que no ayudaron a causarla.
The crisis started in developed countries but has affected many developing countries that played no part in causing it.
- Con intención de causarle un daño corporal grave;
With the intention to cause grievous bodily harm to that person;
Sus necesidades reflejan el hecho de que se enfrentan con muchas incertidumbres que pueden causarles gran penuria.
Their needs reflect the fact that they face many uncertainties that can cause them great hardship.
¿Enfrentarme a ella y causarla?
Facing it and causing it?
—Podría causarla, sí.
“It would cause talk, yes.”
No tenía intención de causarlos.
She had no intention of causing trouble.
era el miedo a causarle dolor a él.
it was the fear of causing him pain.
Pero esto no parecía causarles angustia alguna.
But it seemed to cause no stress.
—Nosotros no podemos causarle mal.
We cannot cause hurt to him.
Así que no es eso lo que va a causarlo.
So that’s not what’s going to cause it.
No queríamos causarle molestias.
We didn't want to cause you the trouble."
Y esta vez ella no había hecho nada para causarlo.
And this time she hadn’t done anything to cause it.
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