Translation for "casi infantil" to english
Translation examples
¿No suena ridículo? Casi infantil, "chin-chin".
Doesn't it sound ridiculous, almost childish, "chin-chin"?
¿No suena ridículo, casi infantil?
Doesn't it sound ridiculous, almost childish?
Tan simple, Lestrade, que es casi infantil.
So simple, my dear Lestrade as to be almost childish.
Ha empezado con mucho estilo y un atrevimiento casi infantil.
Your debut showed great dash, and an almost childish boldness.
Eran mecánicas y casi infantiles.
They were mechanical and almost childish.
Su manera de matar era casi infantil.
It was almost childish, the way they killed.
—Sonaba angustiada, casi infantil.
Her voice was anxious, almost childish.
Pero se trataba de una demanda insignificante, casi infantil.
But this seemed such a small, almost childish request.
Una sonrisa casi infantil, como suelen tenerla los caudillos.
An almost childish smile, as leaders so often have.
– quiso saber la señora Pritchet, manifestando una expectación ávida y casi infantil-.
Mrs. Pritchet asked, with avid, almost childish expectancy.
Hasta aquel momento había sido sincera, casi infantil, con tanta ilusión.
Until that moment it had been sincere, almost childish in its excitement.
Se agachó con una impaciencia casi infantil para abrir las dos cerraduras.
He bent over, with an almost childish eagerness, to unfasten the two locks.
Las letras escritas en mayúscula en el sobre parecían inseguras, casi infantiles. —¿Quién demonios…?
The printed lettering was rickety and uneven, almost childish. "Who the hell?"
Dijo que eras el más puro. —Hablaba en tono enojado y casi infantil—.
He said you were the purest.' His voice sounded petulant, almost childish.
Lo que es, en sí misma, una declaración casi infantil, porque siguiendo ese proceso mental al final nos guía a una teoría del origen del universo mismo.
Which is in itself an almost childlike sentence, because following that thought through ultimately led us to a theory of the origin of the universe itself.
Yo estaba encantado de nuevo c on esa mezcla de timidez y sinceridad casi infantil
I was ravished again by her mixture of shyness and almost childlike outspokenness.
Se convierte en un viaje de ego casi infantil ... desprovisto de cualquier interés para nosotros.
It becomes an ego trip almost childlike ... devoid of any interest to us.
Era casi infantil, juguetón.
He was almost childlike, playful.
y una aceptación casi infantil del salvajismo sanguinario.
an almost childlike acceptance of bloodthirsty savagery.
Miedo sintió una alegría casi infantil.
Dread felt an almost childlike glee.
Panille mostraba una franqueza casi infantil.
Panille displayed an almost childlike openness.
Su rostro era blando, casi infantil, pero alerta.
His face was bland, almost childlike, but alert.
Parecían muy jóvenes, tiernas y casi infantiles.
They seemed very young, tender and almost childlike.
La confianza que ella tenía en sus capacidades era casi infantil.
She was almost childlike in her trust and confidence in his abilities.
La barba disimulaba unos rasgos angelicales, casi infantiles.
The bristles hid angelic, almost childlike features.
Tú eres como eres, y ella rebosa alegría, es bulliciosa, casi infantil.
You are as you are, and she was as she is: vivacious, loud, and almost childlike.
—Sí, es verdad —dijo con un entusiasmo casi infantil—.
‘Yeah, that’s right.’ The other man’s enthusiasm was almost childlike.
—dijo la señora Carter con una voz casi infantil.
Mrs. Carter said, her voice almost childlike.
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