Translation for "cara y la barba" to english
Cara y la barba
Translation examples
Una cara flaca, sin barba;
A thin face, no beard;
Tenía una cara y una barba que yo podía asociar con un toro asirio;
He had the face and beard which I associate with an Assyrian bull;
El holandés trastabilló mientras le caía sangre por la cara y la barba.
The Dutchman staggered, blood cascading down his face and beard.
Cuando se recobró y se enjugó las lágrimas de la cara y la barba, se explicó.
When he recovered, and had wiped away the tears from his face and beard, he explained himself.
Era un monje con cara alargada y barba oscura vestido con un burdo sayal marrón, descalzo y de pie en un sendero soleado en medio del campo.
The picture was of a thin-faced, dark-bearded monk in a coarse brown garment, standing barefooted on a sunny country road.
Flint lo observó y se pasó la mano por la cara y la barba, como hace siempre cuando reflexiona intensa y profundamente.
Flint looked at him and wiped his hand over his face and beard, the way he does when he's thinking pretty hard and pretty deep.
Corre Mucho se agachó a su lado para limpiarle la sangre de la cara y la barba, pero las heridas todavía sangraban sensiblemente.
Runs Far crouched beside him and tried to wash some of the blood from the injured man’s face and beard with a handful of snow, but the ragged facial wounds still bled heavily.
Su esposa lloraba en otro cuarto, y las mujeres lloraban con ella; pero Lebel se hallaba con sus hijos; con las ropas rasgadas, y la cara y la barba salpicadas de cenizas, se balanceaba y sollozaba...
In another room, his wife wept and the women wept with her, but Lebel sat among his sons, his clothes rent and torn, ashes streaking his face and beard, rocking and whimpering…
El febrero pasado, quinientos testigos de todos los rincones del distrito juraron que bajo el resplandor de la aurora boreal, durante dos noches seguidas, habían observado el contorno de una cara humana con barba y tirabuzones.
Last February five hundred witnesses all up and down the District swore that in the shimmer of the aurora borealis, for two nights running, they observed the outlines of a human face, with beard and sidelocks.
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