Translation for "carácter firme" to english
Translation examples
Al fin, después de buscar tanto por todo el mundo, he encontrado un hombre... fuerte de espíritu, de carácter firme, y que ha revelado sobre todo... poseer la suprema cualidad de la que es capaz un hombre:
Finally, having searched all over the world... I have found a man with a strong spirit... and firm character, who, above all, has proven... to have the most important virtue known to mankind:
Amanda era una mujer de carácter firme.
Amanda was a woman of firm character.
El carácter firme de Rebeca, la voracidad de su vientre, su tenaz ambición, absorbieron la descomunal energía del marido, que de holgazán y mujeriego se convirtió en un enorme animal de trabajo.
Rebeca’s firm character, the voracity of her stomach, her tenacious ambition absorbed the tremendous energy of her husband, who had been changed from a lazy, woman-chasing man into an enormous work animal.
En el despacho, y generalmente en presencia de subordinados, era un hombre de carácter firme, y todo el que veía su aspecto viril y su gallarda figura se imaginaba el temperamento que debía de tener con algo así como un escalofrío;
In his office and generally in the presence of subordinates he was a man of strong character, and whoever glanced at his manly appearance and shape used to imagine his kind of temper with something of a shudder;
Sus suegros pagaron un alto precio por ella, porque tenía buena salud y carácter firme, estaba bien entrenada para labores domésticas y además era una verdadera dra-bardi, había nacido con el don natural de adivinar la suerte y curar con encantamientos y hierbas.
Her in-laws had paid a high price for her because she had good health and a strong character, and she was well trained for domestic chores. In addition to those selling points, she was a true drabardi; she had been born with a natural gift for telling fortunes and for healing with spells and herbs.
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