Similar context phrases
Translation examples
Las gallinas asustadas, se desparramaron por el patio cacareando con furia.
The chickens got frightened and scattered about cackling furiously.
Esto decía cacareando antes de entrar a su sauna diario.
He would say this and cackle before going in for his daily sauna.
Y se alejó rápidamente chillando y cacareando,– ¡Potty ama a Lunatica!
And he zoomed away, cackling and shrieking, ‘Potty loves Loony!’
Braceó desesperadamente en caída libre, cacareando como un pollo.
He sprawled helplessly in free fall, arms folded around his middle, cackling like a chicken.
Una bandada de polluelos, que hasta ese momento habían estado comiendo frente a la casa, se dispersó cacareando.
A flock of chickens that had been feeding in front of the house scattered around cackling.
Las mujeres llegaron corriendo y gritando con alboroto de aves de corral, aleteando como gallinas y cacareando como guajolotes.
The women came running and cackling as noisily as barnyard fowl.
Del techo colgaban algunas hierbas para secarse y Tragona estaba en su percha, cacareando ella sola.
A few herbs hung drying from the thatched roof, and Greediguts sat up there cackling to himself.
Agnes estaba divertida, animada y ruidosa, con una risa súbita, que sonaba a una gallina cacareando.
Agnes was funny, animated, and loud, with an abrupt, cackling laugh, and I could see who Mr.
Al acercarnos, los perros se despertaron y empezaron a ladrar, mientras los pollos y gallinas se dispersaban cacareando.
At our approach the dogs roused themselves and barked, while the chickens cackled and scattered in a panic.
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