Translation for "caballero digna" to english
Translation examples
Muchos caballeros dignos trataron de sacarla de la piedra.
Many worthy knights tried to pull the sword from the stone.
A ser Lorent Marbrand lo nombró lord comandante de la Guardia Real y le encargó dar con seis caballeros dignos de servirla a su lado.
Ser Lorent Marbrand was installed as Lord Commander of the Queensguard, and charged with finding six worthy knights to serve beside him.
¡Oh, valiente primo, caballero digno de honor!
Oh, valiant cousin! worthy gentleman!
A los doce o trece años estaréis listas para comprometeros y contraer matrimonio con algún caballero digno de vosotras.
Twelve, thirteen, ready to be engaged and wed to some worthy gentleman.
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