Translation for "bolsas grandes" to english
Bolsas grandes
Translation examples
Dos bolsos grandes. - ¿Jefe Talley?
Two big bags.
- ¿Un bolso grande o pequeño?
- Big bag, little bag?
Ella tiene el bolso grande.
She's got the big bag.
Barney's, los bolsos grandes.
Barney's, the big bags.
- Una bolsa grande de Revels.
- A big bag of Revels.
- Necesitarías una bolsa grande.
-You'd need a pretty big bag.
- ¿Tiene un bolso grande?
- Does he have a big bag?
Llevaba varias bolsas grandes de comida.
She was carrying big bags of shopping.
«Tráeme una bolsa grande», ordenó su madre.
“Bring me a big bag,” her mother said.
Dos bolsas grandes significan que tiene un compañero.
Two big bags mean he’s got a partner.”
Tenía provisiones suficientes para llenar dos bolsas grandes.
Lila got enough groceries to fill two big bags.
Necesitamos crema agria y una bolsa grande de hielo.
We’re out of sour cream and we need a big bag of ice.”
Volvió a meter la ropa en la bolsa grande y levantó la mirada.
He pushed the clothing back into the big bag and looked up.
Tiffany cogió la bolsa grande de sal y otra de azúcar y llenó un cuenco con ellas.
Tiffany found the big bag of salt and another of sugar, and poured both of them into a bowl.
Y una bolsa grande de planchuelas de ciento diecisiete gramos, no sé cuántas.
And a big bag of tola bars of one hundred seventeen grams, I don’t know how many.”
Skeetah saca una bolsa grande de pienso para perros, se la echa al hombro y la lleva al cobertizo.
Skeetah pulls out a big bag of dog food, hoists it up over his shoulder, and carries it to the shed.
Y cuando terminaron, Xavier llegó con dos bolsas grandes de comida de un bar al aire libre calle abajo.
And by the time they were finished, Xavier arrived with two big bags of food from a beer garden down the street.
Sin embargo, está estrictamente prohibido el ingreso a cualquier local de la Conferencia con bolsos grandes, portabultos o carritos.
However, large bags, carryalls and trolleys are strictly prohibited in all conference facilities.
Chicharron de cerdo y una bolsa grande de semillas de girasol.
Pork rinds and a large bag of ranch-flavored sunflower seeds.
Tráiganme una bolsa grande.
Bring me a large bag.
¡Empaque un bolso grande!
Pack a large bag!
El oficial Thurmound Brucks encontró el auto abandonado, con una bolsa grande de marihuana.
Officer Thurmond Brucks found their abandoned car, which contained a large bag of marijuana.
No traía bolsas grandes, así que tuve que ponerlas en 4 bolsas chicas.
I didn't have a large bag, so I had to put the whole thing in four smaller ones.
El ladrón tendría que llevar una bolsa grande.
The thief would have to carry a large bag.
Coja este teléfono y métalo en una bolsa grande con arroz.
Take this phone and put it in a large bag and fill it with rice.
Pues, me pidió una bolsa grande de pelo de camino al juzgado Taganskaya.
Well, you asked for a large bag of hair on the way to Taganskaya courthouse.
¿Te importaría bajar a comprarme una bolsa grande de gominolas?
Would you mind running downstairs and picking me up a large bag of jelly beans?
Llevaba un bolso grande.
She carried a large bag.
Había un bolso grande a su lado.
She had a large bag next to her.
Al hombro llevaba un bolso grande.
A large bag was slung over one shoulder.
Uno de ellos tiró a Holden una bolsa grande.
One of them tossed a large bag at Holden.
una bolsa grande de revuelto de frutos secos plátanos
large bag mixed nuts hand of bananas
Llevaban bolsas grandes llenas de lo que parecía comida rápida.
They were carrying large bags of what looked to be fast food.
En consecuencia, ahora llevaba el Cuerno en una bolsa grande atada a la cintura.
She now carried the Horn in a large bag tied to her waist.
Acabo de verlo cruzando el parque, con una bolsa grande y muy prometedora.
I just spotted him returning across the park, with a very promising large bag.
—Manolo, la bolsa grande, el bichero y un par de palas —ordenó a su aprendiz.
“Manolo, the large bag, the boat hook, and a couple of shovels,” he said to his apprentice.
Al cabo de unos minutos, volvió con dos botellas de agua mineral y una bolsa grande.
A few minutes later, he returned, carrying two bottles of mineral water and a large bag.
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