Translation for "big bags" to spanish
Translation examples
It's a big bag.
Es un bolso grande.
Like a big bag of it.
Una bolsa grande.
- Big bag, little bag?
- ¿Un bolso grande o pequeño?
She's got the big bag.
Ella tiene el bolso grande.
Barney's, the big bags.
Barney's, los bolsos grandes.
- A big bag of Revels.
- Una bolsa grande de Revels.
-You'd need a pretty big bag.
- Necesitarías una bolsa grande.
- Does he have a big bag?
- ¿Tiene un bolso grande?
She was carrying big bags of shopping.
Llevaba varias bolsas grandes de comida.
“Bring me a big bag,” her mother said.
«Tráeme una bolsa grande», ordenó su madre.
Two big bags mean he’s got a partner.”
Dos bolsas grandes significan que tiene un compañero.
Lila got enough groceries to fill two big bags.
Tenía provisiones suficientes para llenar dos bolsas grandes.
We’re out of sour cream and we need a big bag of ice.”
Necesitamos crema agria y una bolsa grande de hielo.
He pushed the clothing back into the big bag and looked up.
Volvió a meter la ropa en la bolsa grande y levantó la mirada.
Tiffany found the big bag of salt and another of sugar, and poured both of them into a bowl.
Tiffany cogió la bolsa grande de sal y otra de azúcar y llenó un cuenco con ellas.
And a big bag of tola bars of one hundred seventeen grams, I don’t know how many.”
Y una bolsa grande de planchuelas de ciento diecisiete gramos, no sé cuántas.
Skeetah pulls out a big bag of dog food, hoists it up over his shoulder, and carries it to the shed.
Skeetah saca una bolsa grande de pienso para perros, se la echa al hombro y la lleva al cobertizo.
And by the time they were finished, Xavier arrived with two big bags of food from a beer garden down the street.
Y cuando terminaron, Xavier llegó con dos bolsas grandes de comida de un bar al aire libre calle abajo.
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