Translation for "autogenerado" to english
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Los rumores eran desinformación autogenerada.
Rumors were okay. Rumors were self-generated disinformation.
Ya llegarían cuando importase, autogenerados, ante la cámara.
It would come when it mattered, self-generated, on-camera.
En éste otro, una holgada túnica provista de luz autogenerada.
In this, a single flowing robe decked with self-generating light.
Tuvimos que encontrar nuestro camino pasando a través de la oscuridad autogenerada por ti.
We’ve had to pick our way through your self-generated darkness.
El interior de su curva de piedra estaba húmedo, con fluidos de autogenerada orina.
The inside of its stone curve was wet, streaming with self-generated urine.
Es un icono del culto a la belleza, de una jerarquía que no es dinástica, sino autogenerada.
It is an icon of the worship of beauty, a hierarchism self-generated rather than dynastic.
A continuación, Paine comparó este autogobierno autogenerado con la anticuada y corrupta situación de Inglaterra.
Paine went on to compare this self-generated self-government with the antiquated and corrupt state of affairs in England.
Permitía que su nivel de adrenalina autogenerada bajara furiosamente y le dejaba darse cuenta de lo cansado y contusionado que estaba en realidad.
It allowed his self-generated adrenaline to wear off, allowed him to feel how tired and hurt he really was.
Ni una frase como «prados verdes» Si informa de ello, ¿cómo puede aislarlo de una imagen o frase autogeneradas?
Neither does a phrase like 'green fields.' If you report it, how can you possibly tell it from a self-generated image or phrase?
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