Translation for "asociado con la estructura" to english
Asociado con la estructura
  • associated with the structure
Translation examples
associated with the structure
11. Sir Nigel Rodley dice que "las normas relativas a la inmunidad parlamentaria y al desacato a los tribunales" son normas jurídicas tradicionales asociadas con la estructura del gobierno y el ordenamiento jurídico de un país que a veces son causa de restricciones de la libertad de expresión.
Sir Nigel Rodley said that "the law of parliamentary privilege and the law of contempt of court" were traditional kinds of law associated with the structure of a country's Government and legal system that sometimes resulted in infringements of freedom of expression.
Había tal cantidad de sufrimiento y angustia humanos asociada a aquella estructura que ésta no estaba meramente envuelta en un espantoso halo, sino que flotaba en un mar de energía muerta.
Such an extraordinary amount of human suffering and anguish was associated with this structure that it was not merely wrapped in an ominous aura but was afloat in a sea of death-energy.
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