Translation for "aquellos cuyas manos" to english
Aquellos cuyas manos
Translation examples
Cerremos la puerta en la cara a aquellos cuyas manos están manchadas con la sangre de víctimas inocentes y desarrollemos un régimen jurídico estricto para procesar a los terroristas por los horribles crímenes que ellos perpetran, con lo cual amenazan la estabilidad y la seguridad internacionales.
Let us close the door in the face of those whose hands are smeared with the blood of innocent victims and develop a strict legal regime to prosecute terrorists and try them for the heinous crimes they perpetrate to the detriment of international stability and security.
¿Qué se hizo de todos aquellos cuyas manos estaban manchadas de sangre?
What became of all those whose hands were stained with blood?
A aquellos cuyas manos estaban sucias por el trabajo de la noche los enviaba con gestos exasperados a los grifos del despacho. Debían lavarse y secarse con cuidado.
Those whose hands were still stained from the night’s work were summarily dismissed and sent to the washbasins in the office, where they were to carefully wash and dry them.
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