Translation for "andanza" to english
Translation examples
Laci, por suerte, no lo siguió en sus andanzas.
Fortunately Laci did not follow him on this path.
Desde su «Elba» siguió las andanzas y malandanzas de Mr.
From this Elba he followed the fortunes of Mr.
Nunca eliminamos todos los vestigios, no obstante, nunca logramos que la materia pasada enmudezca de veras y para siempre, y a veces oímos una casi imperceptible respiración, como la de un soldado agonizante que hubiera sido arrojado desnudo a una fosa con sus compañeros muertos, o quizá como los gemidos imaginarios de éstos, como los suspiros ahogados que algunas noches aquél aún creía escuchar, acaso por su demorado roce y por su condición tan próxima, porque estuvo a punto de ser uno de ellos o tal vez lo fue, y entonces sus posteriores andanzas, su deambular por París, su reenamoramiento y sus penalidades y sus ansias de restitución, fueron sólo las de un fragmento de lápida en la sala de un museo, las de unas ruinas de tímpanos con inscripciones ya ilegibles, quebradas, las de una sombra de huella, un eco de eco, una mínima curva, una ceniza, las de una materia pasada y muda que se negó a pasar y a enmudecer.
We never eliminate all vestiges, though, we never manage, truly, once and for all, to silence that past matter, and sometimes we hear an almost imperceptible breathing, like that of a dying soldier thrown naked into a grave along with his dead companions, or perhaps like the imaginary groans of those companions, like the muffled sighs which, on some nights, he still thought he could hear, perhaps because he lay cheek by jowl with them for so long and because he so nearly shared their fate, was on the point of becoming one of them and perhaps was one of them, which means that his subsequent adventures, his wanderings in Paris, his re-infatuation and his hardships and his longing to be restored, were like those of fragments of gravestones in a room in a museum, of a few ruined tympana with illegible, fractured inscriptions, of the shadow of a trace, an echo of an echo, a tiny curve, a piece of ash, a scrap of past, dumb matter that refused to pass or to remain dumb.
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