Translation for "amenazas graves" to english
Amenazas graves
Translation examples
:: una amenaza grave; y/o
:: a serious threat; and/or
h) Amenazas graves al medio ambiente
(h) Serious threats to the environment . 114 27
Un Estado considera que el terrorismo representa una amenaza grave.
Terrorism is regarded as a serious threat by one State.
En tales casos, es posible que exista una amenaza grave para los testigos.
In such cases, there may be a serious threat to the witnesses.
a) recurriendo para ello a la violencia, el secuestro o la amenaza grave;
a) by means of violence, kidnapping or serious threats;
La violencia doméstica es una amenaza grave al desarrollo sostenible.
Domestic violence is a serious threat to Sustainable Development.
La sequía supone amenazas graves para la salud.
Drought poses serious threats to health.
Este flagelo representa una amenaza grave para toda la humanidad.
The scourge represents a serious threat to humankind as a whole.
Es una amenaza grave y tenemos que movernos rápido.
This is a serious threat and we need to move fast.
No creo que seamos una amenaza grave.
I really don't think we pose a serious threat.
Abby, si esto llega a manos equivocadas podría ser una amenaza grave para la seguridad nacional.
Abby, if these get into the wrong hands, this could be a serious threat to national security.
Durante el desayuno siempre recibo amenazas graves.
I get serious threats every morning with my orange juice.
Pensaré en lo que dijiste. Pero debo estar convencida de que los hunos son una amenaza grave.
I'll think about what you said, but I have to be convinced that the Huns are a serious threat.
El acusado es una amenaza grave para la sociedad.
The defendant is a serious threat to the community.
Pero lo soltaron porque, sorprendentemente, ... no fue considerado como una amenaza grave por el oficial que lo interrogó.
But he was released because astonishingly, he wasn't considered to be a serious threat by the interrogating officer.
Necron es una amenaza grave. Necesitamos una poción.
Well, Necron's a serious threat, we need a serious potion.
Esta situación representa una amenaza grave y seria.
This situation poses a grave and serious threat.
Tenemos muchos testigos diciendo que te vieron hacerle una amenaza grave a Peter Mills.
- We have numerous witnesses saying they saw you Make a serious threat against peter mills.
De gente que vivía una amenaza grave.
People in the grip of serious threat.
—Es una amenaza grave —replicó Lusana.
“It’s a serious threat,” retorted Lusana.
Esta es una amenaza grave y necesita atención inmediata.
This is a serious threat and needs immediate attention.
a menos que estos se convirtieran en una amenaza grave, claro está.
unless the Sachakans became a serious threat, of course.
Pero bueno, se rebela Tausk, eso parecen amenazas graves, ¿no?
But, Tausk objects, these are pretty serious threats, aren’t they?
Nunca he creído que Polonia constituyese una amenaza grave.
‘I have never believed that Poland was a serious threat to us.’
Habría podido descartarlo como amenaza grave, a no ser por esos ojos.
He might have dismissed him as offering no serious threat, except for the eyes.
Descubrió que una de cada seis muestras suponía una amenaza grave para la salud.
About one in six samples, he found, posed a serious threat to health.
No representaban una amenaza grave en las altas esferas, pero sí para gran parte de los veteranos de rango inferior, de ahí que algunos se aliasen contra la reforma.
This did not pose a serious threat to those at the top level, but was a serious problem to most of the lower old cadres. So some had allied themselves against the reform.
En opinión del hermano Ishmael, Lewis Crane necesitaba que se lo sometiera a una cuidadosa vigilancia, pues era la única persona del planeta que representaba una amenaza grave para Ishmael.
In Brother Ishmael’s opinion, Lewis Crane needed careful watching, for he was the only person on the planet who presented a serious threat to him.
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