Translation for "alta sin" to english
Alta sin
  • high without
Translation examples
high without
Toda la alta sin tapar para arriba.
All the high without plugging you up.
Y salió con la frente alta, sin mostrar la menor impresión y sin saludar a su enemigo.
And he went out with his forehead high, without betraying the slightest apprehension and without not even greet his enemy.
Cuesta creer que, tras hacer sus aromáticas ofrendas en cubierta, no desembarcase en Alejandría —nuevamente soberana, sana y salva al fin entre sus serviciales súbditos— sin cierto triunfalismo.* Se había librado de la rústica Roma, del embate de las olas y del tumulto de tierras extrañas, y había vuelto a un país que la reconocía como diosa viviente, igual a Venus, a una ciudad donde la monarquía era debidamente respetada, donde una reina podía andar con la cabeza bien alta sin ser tildada de arrogante, donde la gente no ponía el grito en el cielo por un trono de oro ni temblaba ante una diadema.
it is difficult to believe that, having made her fragrant offerings on deck, she descended the gangplank in Alexandria—again a sovereign, safely returned to her admiring subjects—anything less than triumphantly.* She was free of rustic Rome, delivered from the swells of the waves and the turbulence abroad to a land that recognized her as a living goddess, every bit Venus’s equal, returned to a city where monarchy received its proper due, where a queen could hold her head high without being flailed for arrogance, where no one yelped over golden chairs or shuddered at the sight of diadems.
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