Translation for "afro-caribe" to english
Translation examples
Pregunta qué medidas especiales se están adoptando con respecto a la mujer rural, en particular la de origen afro-caribe.
She asked what special measures were being taken for rural women, particularly those of Afro-Caribbean origin.
A solicitud de varias organizaciones de mujeres garífunas representadas por el Centro de Investigación Afro-Caribe Wadimalu Garífuna y por Afro América XXI, el Ministerio de Cultura y Deportes institucionalizó el Día Nacional de la Mujer Garífuna el 25 de julio.
The Ministry institutionalized the date in question at the request of various Garifuna women's organizations represented by the Wadimalu Garifuna Afro-Caribbean Research Centre and by Afro-America XXI.
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