Translation for "adivinaba" to english
Translation examples
Lo adivinaba, querida. Lo adivinaba.
I just guessed it, my dear, just guessed it.
Yo no lo adivinaba.
I could never guess them.
No adivinaba ni remotamente...
I did not guess, not by a long shot...
Yo adivinaba y el daba las pistas.
I would guess. He would give the clue.
Yo adivinaba que se sentía ajena al mundo que la rodeaba.
But I guess... she felt uncomfortable.
El no adivinaba como se sintió Mary Knight, él lo sabía.
He wasn't guessing how Mary Knight felt -- he knew.
Lo vi. ayer en su muñeca, cuando adivinaba mi suerte.
I saw it. yesterday at his wrist, when guessed my luck.
Jules, ¿sigues pensando en el tío que adivinaba el peso?
Jules, are you still thinking about the guess your weight guy?
Oh, bien, solo adivinaba.
Oh, well, just a guess.
Y si adivinaba cuánta llevaba, me la daba.
And if I guessed how much he had, even if I was close, he'd give it to me.
A menudo, ella los adivinaba.
Frequently, she guessed them.
Adivinaba su preocupación.
He guessed her trouble.
—Cristóbal Colón adivinaba.
Christopher guessed.
Adivinaba lo que había ocurrido.
He guessed what had happened.
Dije que no lo adivinaba.
I said I couldn't guess.
Y Ulrich lo adivinaba casi todo.
And Ulrich guessed most of this.
¿Qué pasaría si él lo adivinaba?
What if he'd guessed?
No lo que pensaba o adivinaba o imaginaba.
Not what I thought or guessed or envisioned.
No lo sabía, sino que lo adivinaba.
He didn't know, he was guessing.
Sin embargo, a veces adivinaba.
Yet sometimes she’d guess right.
Adivinaba algunas cosas.
He divined many things.
Lo adivinaba, lo sentía.
She divined it, she felt it.
¡Cómo adivinaba las cosas aquella mujer!
How this woman divined things!
¡Cuán poco adivinaba las complejidades del amor!
How little she divined the complexities of love!
Adivinaba que había cierto antagonismo entre Gulden y todos los demás.
She divined that there was antagonism between Gulden and all the others.
Como Hatcher, adivinaba sucesos sombríos.
Like Hatcher, he divined events that cast somber shadows before.
—Se estaba impacientando conmigo porque no adivinaba sus pensamientos—.
He was impatient with me for failing to divine his thoughts. “She ran away.
Se imaginó que Williston adivinaba en parte lo que había sucedido.
He imagined that Williston partly divined what had happened.
Joven como era, adivinaba el significado de un rifle en aquellos viajes.
Young as he was, he divined the significance of a rifle in overland travel.
pero le parecía excesivo el precio que adivinaba qué tendría que pagar.
but the payment she vaguely divined she would have to make for them seemed excessive.
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