Translation for "acomplejamiento" to english
Translation examples
A Rico se le notaba la salacidad —no, era sólo fuerte sexualidad— en la boca mullida o de goma que chupaba cigarrillos sin cesar, en la mirada oblicua a través de unas gafas más bien grandes que lo hacían parecer aplicado e inocuo sólo en primerísima instancia, incluso en la prematura calva aireada con una prestancia y un aplomo impropios de quienes la padecen cuando aún no debería tocarles: acostumbra a ser motivo de acomplejamiento y aun de rencor universal, y él se desenvolvía, en cambio, con locuacidad, alegría y notable sans-façon, cuando no como un donjuán o un hombre muy bien parecido y adornado por un fascinante tupé que atrajera como un imán (su calva era como un ariete, la verdad, con las connotaciones que se quieran ver).
Rico’s salacious nature – or, perhaps, his strong sexuality – was evident in his soft, flexible mouth permanently occupied by a cigarette, in his oblique gaze hidden behind rather large spectacles that made him seem diligent and innocuous – but only when you first met him – it was there even in his prematurely bald head, which he carried with a poise and an aplomb unusual in those who go bald before their time, and which can often be a cause of complexes or even a kind of universal resentment, whereas he was all loquacity, good cheer and remarkable sans-façon, as if he were a Don Juan or a handsome, dashing fellow adorned with a fascinating toupee that women find magnetically attractive (his bald head was, in fact, like a battering ram, make of that what you will).
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