Translation for "a menudo sea difícil" to english
A menudo sea difícil
Translation examples
A menudo resulta difícil saber cuántos de ellos han utilizado los servicios de traficantes.
It is often difficult to know how many of them used the services of smugglers.
Dada la distancia a que se encontraban de sus lugares de origen, a menudo era difícil que recibieran visitas.
Due to the distance to their home region it was often difficult for them to receive visits.
Conviene en que a menudo es difícil distinguir los derechos económicos de los derechos políticos.
He agreed that it was often difficult to distinguish economic rights from political rights.
A menudo resulta difícil privatizar.
It was often difficult to privatize.
A menudo es difícil establecer la culpabilidad de la policía a falta de pruebas fundadas.
Without reliable evidence, it was often difficult to prove the guilt of the police.
A menudo es difícil llegar a estas zonas debido a lo accidentado y montañoso del terreno.
It is often difficult to reach these areas due to the rugged and mountainous terrain.
Por último, a menudo es difícil mantener el impulso de cooperación durante un período prolongado.
Finally, it is often difficult to maintain the momentum for cooperation over a long time-span.
18. Alientan y ayudan a otros Estados a realizar la transición a la democracia, que a menudo resulta difícil.
Encourage and assist other states in making the often difficult transition to democracy. 18 a
La intermediación y el comercio de armas pequeñas a menudo son difíciles de distinguir.
Brokering and trade in small arms are often difficult to distinguish from one another.
Además, a menudo fue difícil determinar la fuente o el agente o autor.
Furthermore, it was often difficult to trace the source of agent and/or perpetrator.
A menudo era difícil recordar que Lillian era condesa.
It was often difficult to remember that Lillian was a countess.
Pero a menudo resultaba difícil hallarle defectos al RV.
But it was often difficult to fault the PLK.
Las grandes actrices son a menudo muy difíciles, y Bonnie está dotada de grandeza.
Great actresses are often difficult, and Bonnie was touched with greatness.
Por eso, debido a la naturaleza de la obra, la Historia a menudo resulta difícil de seguir.
Thus it comes about that from the nature of the work the History is often difficult to follow.
Yaafarera especialmente experto en el segundo y el tercero, aun cuando a menudo resultaba difícil distinguirlos.
Ja‘far was especially adept at the second and the third, even though it was often difficult to distinguish between them.
Aun sin viento, a menudo era difícil o casi imposible conseguir que las estufas de alcohol prendieran y se encendieran;
Even without wind, it was often difficult or nearly impossible to get the spirit stoves primed and started;
Era una de las primeras y más escalofriantes lecciones de la guerra en el espacio: que allí a menudo era difícil distinguir a los muertos de los vivos.
It was one of the earliest and most chilling lessons of space warfare: in space, the dead were often difficult to tell from the living.
Por ejemplo, había leído que a menudo era difícil estimar cuál era el momento adecuado para la extubación, la extracción del tubo endotraqueal.
I had learned for example that it was often difficult to gauge when the time was right for extubation, the removal of an endotracheal tube.
no solo ocurrían muchas cosas que no se veían, sino que también había la voluntad, que a menudo era difícil de distinguir de la necesidad, de ignorar lo evidente.
not only did a lot go on that was unobserved, but there was also a willingness, that was often difficult to distinguish from a necessity, to overlook the obvious.
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