Translation for "хатченс" to english
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Гретхен пришлось утешать мистера Хатченса.
Gretchen had to console Mr Hutchens.
Но она не сказала мистеру Хатченсу об истинной причине увольнения и чувствовала себя виноватой перед другой девушкой, которую принесли в жертву, чтобы замаскировать этот акт мести Тедди Бойлена.
She did not tell Mr Hutchens the real reason why she was being fired and she felt guilty about the other girl, who was being sacrificed as camouflage to Teddy Boylan’s act of vengeance.
Гретхен жалела, что нет работы, которая заняла бы ее на весь день, но она допечатывала последний счет за доставку груза, который мистер Хатченс положил ей на стол, и оснований задерживаться не было.
Gretchen wished that there were enough work to give her an excuse to remain at her desk the whole afternoon, but she was typing out the final items of the last bill of lading Mr Hutchens had put on her desk and there was no way of dragging it out.
Три десятилетия работы с бумагами оставили на мистере Хатченсе свой след – он сам стал похож на бумагу, словно оплаченная квитанция, пролежавшая много лет на всякий случай, пожелтевшая, истрепавшаяся по краям.
Three decades of working with paper had left Mr Hutchens rather papery himself, like a paid bill that has been tucked away for many years and is brittle and yellowed and flaking at the edges, when it is brought out to be examined.
В пятницу ее вызвал к себе начальник отдела мистер Хатченс и после небольшой вступительной речи о том, какой она хороший и добросовестный работник, сообщил, что получил приказ уволить ее и еще одну девушку.
On Friday she had been given two weeks’ notice at the Works. Mr Hutchens had called her into his office and after a little distracted preliminary speech about how efficient she was and conscientious and how her work was always excellent and how agreeable it was to have her in the office, he had come out with it. He had received orders that morning to give her notice, along with another girl in the office.
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