Translation for "они были врагом" to english
Они были врагом
  • they were an enemy
  • they were the enemy
Translation examples
they were an enemy
Они были врагами его врагов, и в его интересах было по возможности обеспечить их безопасность и независимость.
They were the enemies of his enemies, and it was his interest to render them as secure and independent of those enemies as he could.
Они покупали их главным образом в Египте, в то время находившемся под властью мамелюков, врагов турок, врагами которых были и венецианцы.
They purchased them chiefly in Egypt, at that time under the dominion of the Mamelukes, the enemies of the Turks, of whom the Venetians were the enemies;
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