Translation for "но забрал" to english
Но забрал
Translation examples
Кто забрал эти твердые диски?
Who took the hard drives?
Они забрали у него рыболовные снасти.
They took the fishing equipment that was with him.
Они забрали его и разгромили магазин.
They took my brother and vandalized the supermarket.
Однако этот человек забрал документы и исчез.
However, the man took the documents and disappeared.
Они забрали бывшие у него рыболовные снасти.
They took the fishing equipment that he had with him.
Они обыскали дом и забрали меня с собой.
They searched the house, then took me away with them.
Они забрали наш скот и наше имущество>>.
They took away our cattle and belongings".
Моего мужа они забрали около полуночи...
They took my husband at around midnight ...
– Харконнены все с собой забрали!
The Harkonnens took it with 'em!
Я тогда забрал карту у Поттера.
I took the map from Potter that night.
Я забрал ее у прежнего хозяина.
I took it from its previous master.
Я имею в виду, до того, как его забрала Джинни.
Before Ginny took it out, I mean?
Я забрал ее из гробницы Альбуса Дамблдора.
I took it from the grave of Albus Dumbledore.
Так Смерть забрала первого брата.
“‘And so Death took the first brother for his own.
Так Смерть забрала и второго брата.
“‘And so Death took the second brother from his own.
Полумну забрали, и я не знаю, где она, что с ней сделали.
They took my Luna and I don’t know where she is, what they’ve done to her.
Что забрал, то забрал, но порошок оставил.
He took what he took, but left the powder.
– Я… забрал его. Остальные… не смогли. Я забрал… последнюю… часть.
"I… Took him. The others… couldn't, I took… the last… piece.
Они… они забрали Роберту.
It was…they took Roberta.
- Они забрали ее с собой.
They took it with them.
— И они забрали эту женщину?
“And they took this woman?”
Они забрали абсолютно все.
They took everything.
– Я же сказал, они забрали!
I told you, they took it.
— Они забрали у меня все.
“They took everything from me."
Они забрали его у меня.
And they took him from me.
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