Translation for "premiare" to english
Translation examples
Sto per premiare la tua fedeltà.
I'm going to reward your loyalty.
- Sai, e' premiare un fallimento.
You know? It's rewarding failure.
Cinture per premiare.
Belts as reward.
- Non possiamo premiare queste azioni...
You can't reward this kind of action... No.
Non posso premiare questo.
I can't reward that.
Non ti si deve premiare.
You shouldn't be rewarded for it.
Dobbiamo premiare i segugi, amore.
We have to reward the hounds, love.
Vorresti premiare questo scemo?
You want to reward this punk?
E' importante premiare la gentilezza.
It's important to reward kindness.
Condannare Sutherland e premiare Shanks?
To condemn Sutherland and reward Shanks?
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