Translation for "do" to english
Translation examples
# Here comes the sun, do-do-do-do-do # (Arriva il sole....)
** Here comes the sun, do-do-do-do-do **
E allora facevo cosi': "Der-der-ler, do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do da-da!"
So as long as I did, "Der-der-ler, do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do da-da!"
Quindi un Do, Sol, Do. Questo e' l'inizio.
And we have C, G, C.
Perciò abbiamo do, si bemolle e do diesis.
You have a C, B flat, and C sharp.
DO settima minore.
C minor 7th.
- Re do, sol, do.
- D C, G, C.
"LA" bemolle. "DO"
A flat, C.
c'è do diesis o do naturale.
But right here, there's two notes. It's either C-sharp or C-natural.
Si, Do, Do # e cosi' via.
B, C, C-sharp, etc.
Sol... Mi... Do...
- Re, Do, Do, Sol. - Ok.
D, C, C, G. Okay.
Papà, DO sostenuto.
Dad, C sharp
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