Translation for "consultando" to english
Translation examples
Quindi stavi consultando un'esperta di articolazioni per un'articolazione.
So you were consulting an expert on joint replacement - about a joint.
- Vi state consultando con loro?
Are you consulting with them?
E' una questione molto delicata e stiamo consultando numerose organizzazioni.
It's a very delicate issue and we're consulting with numerous organisations.
Mi sto...consultando con la mia musa.
I' with my muse.
Mi stavo solo consultando con Cindy.
I'm just consulting with Cindy.
Sta ancora consultando il Cristallo delia Profezia.
He's still consulting the Orb of Prophecy.
Vedo che stai consultando gli Spiriti.
I see you're consulting with the spirits.
Mi scuso, Vostro Onore. Stavo consultando il mio collega.
I'm sorry, Your Honor I was just consulting with an associate
La dottoressa Hobson sta "consultando" il cadavere proprio adesso.
Dr Hobson is consulting the cadaver even now.
Ci stiamo consultando.
Mm,we are consulting.
Mi stavo consultando con Ethan riguardo al caso di Pelant.
I was conferring with Ethan on the Pelant case.
I giudici si stanno consultando".
The judges are conferring.
Scusa, mi sto consultando con il mio spirito guida.
I'm sorry, I'm just conferring with my spirit guides.
- No, si stava consultando con Ella.
No, she was conferring with Ella.
Si stanno consultando. E non volevano che fossi presente anch'io.
They are conferring in there, and want to do that without me there.
Mi sto consultando con altre persone, signora Florrick.
I am conferring with other people, Mrs. Florrick.
Ci stavamo solo... consultando per un caso.
We were just, um, conferring on a case. Oh, really?
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