Translation for "makellos ruf" to english
Translation examples
Hicks war Professor für Geschichte am Community College in Denver und hatte einen makellosen Ruf.
He was a history prof at the Community College of Denver with an impeccable reputation.
Er hatte einen makellosen Ruf, weil er während der deutschen Besetzung die Résistance unterstützt hatte.
He had an impeccable reputation, having supported the Resistance during Germany’s wartime occupation.
Professor Brudzewskis Vorlesungen waren anstrengend, äußerst exklusiv und, wie der Professor selbst gern betonte, eine der wichtigsten Säulen, auf denen der makellose Ruf der Universität ruhte.
Professor Brudzewski’s classes were rigorous and very exclusive, and were, as the Professor himself was fond of pointing out, one of the main bases on which the university’s impeccable reputation rested.
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