Similar context phrases
Translation examples
»Was das anbelangt, ist deine ausgezeichnet.«
As far as that's concerned, yours is in excellent shape.
»Was mich anbelangt, sind die Piraten die Guten.«
As far as I’m concerned, the pirates are the good guys.”
Was mich anbelangt, müssen wir keine Feinde sein.
As far as I’m concerned, we don’t need to be enemies.
Eine elementare Regel, was Verträge anbelangt.
An elementary rule concerning contracts is that you let it wait.
Was diesen Nachmittag anbelangt, so habt ihr ihn bei den Stillen Brüdern verbracht.
As far as this afternoon is concerned, you spent it with the Brothers.
Was ihn anbelangte, war alles besser als der verschleierte Tod durch Mutation.
As far as he was concerned, anything was better than the oblique death of mutation.
Was die Prophezeiungen anbelangt, existieren Menschen wie Jennsen nicht einmal.
"As far as the prophecies are concerned, those like Jennsen don't even exist.
Was mich anbelangt, bist du in erster Linie ein Nachfahre Francesco Fontanellis.
As far as I’m concerned, you’re the descendent of Francesco Fontanelli.”
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