Translation for "tréponématoses" to english
Translation examples
1983 Election au poste de secrétaire général adjoint de l'Union africaine contre les maladies vénériennes et les tréponématoses
Elected to the post of Under-Secretary-General of the African Union against Venereal Diseases and Treponematosis 1983
12. Les organisations non gouvernementales ci-après, dotées du statut consultatif auprès d'institutions spécialisées, ont participé à la session : International Society of Biometeorology et International Union Against the Veneral Diseases and the Treponematoses.
12. The following non-governmental organizations in consultative status with specialized agencies participated in the session: International Society of Biometeorology and International Union Against the Venereal Diseases and the Treponematoses.
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