Translation for "soudainement disparu" to english
Translation examples
Et pourquoi Mr. Robot a soudainement disparu ?
And why is Mr. Robot suddenly gone?
Si tu as soudainement disparu, ce serait suspect.
If you're suddenly gone, it might look suspicious.
Ceux qui ne seront pas ont soudainement disparu.
Those who won't have suddenly gone missing.
Les anciens acquis ayant soudainement disparus, beaucoup ont vu s'effondrer leur niveau de vie.
Old certainties suddenly disappeared and living standards slipped for many people.
Dans certains cas, les réfugiés attendant une réinstallation urgente ont soudain disparu.
In some cases, refugees awaiting urgent resettlement suddenly disappeared.
Paulist avait besoin d'être examiné, mais il a soudainement disparu.
Paulist needed to get a check up, but he suddenly disappeared.
Alors dites-moi, pourquoi Hayley a soudainement disparu ?
Then, tell me, why has Hayley suddenly disappeared?
Certes, il a soudainement disparu, uh,
Granted, he suddenly disappeared, uh, but I'll allow some boorish behaviour at a faculty mixer.
Un des plus grands marchands des environs a soudainement disparu.
One of the biggest merchants around suddenly disappeared.
Après cet incident, il a soudain disparu, n'est-ce-pas?
After that incident happened, he suddenly disappeared, didn't he?
Au mois de février dernier, elle a soudainement disparu.
Last February, she suddenly disappeared.
L'avion de Miyabe a soudainement disparu de mon champ de vision.
Miyabe's plane suddenly disappeared from my sight.
Tu as soudainement disparu sans un mot, pris les décisions toi-même.
You suddenly disappeared without a word, made decisions on your own.
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