Translation for "majesté avait" to english
Majesté avait
Translation examples
Et lorsqu'enfin le prince et son épouse réjouirent de leur auguste présence la ville de Leipzig, messieurs les étudiants voulurent le jour où, un an plus tôt, Sa Majesté avait été élue Roi de Pologne et Grand-Duc de Lithuanie, témoigner par une musique nocturne de leur très-humble dévotion.
And when the Prince with his wife blessed Leipzig with their presence, on the day on which His Majesty had, one year before, been chosen King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania, the students showed their devotion through an evening of music.
Votre Majesté l'avait cassé de son grade, il y a trois ans.
Your Majesty had driven him from his rank, three years ago.
Je crois que Sa Majesté n'avait pas le choix.
- I believe his Majesty had no choice.
Et sa majesté avait vraiment envie de jouer!
And His Majesty had so set his heart on it!
Les lettres que Sa Majeste avait ecrites a son frere n'etaient pas la.
The letters that his Majesty had written to his brother weren't there.
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