Translation for "in-utéro" to english
  • in utero
Translation examples
in utero
Des crédits in utero.
In utero credits.
On a détecté d'étranges difformités in utero.
Strange in utero deformities were detected.
Tu y es allée in utero.
You went in utero.
Et ce processus commence in utero.
And that process begins in utero.
Son jumeau a disparu in utero?
He had a vanishing twin in utero?
J'ai commencé "in utero".
I started in utero.
Oui... in utero.
You did... in utero.
Les bébés bougent in-utéro.
Babies move in utero.
Mon jumeau est mort in utero.
My twin died in utero.
Il y a une procédure in-utero.
There is an in utero procedure.
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