Translation for "et tomba" to english
Et tomba
Translation examples
Sa beauté était telle que lorsque les chrétiens conquirent la ville, ils ne la détruisirent nullement, mais la transformèrent en une cathédrale, comme la grande basilique de Constantinople qui devint la mosquée la plus grande d'Istanbul lorsque la ville tomba entre les mains de l'empire ottoman un siècle plus tard.
Such was its beauty that it was not destroyed when the Christians captured the city, but converted into a Cathedral, just as the great basilicas of Constantinople became the great mosques of Istanbul when that city fell to the Ottoman empire a century later.
Lorsque le soldat a aperçu son corset médical autour de sa taille, il pensa qu'il portait une ceinture d'explosifs et tira une rafale qui le transperça, ensanglantant son père, qui, sous le choc, tomba à terre près du corps de son fils.
When the soldier saw the medical corset around his waist, he thought that Abdulkarim was wearing a belt filled with explosives, and he fired a hail of bullets which went right through him causing his father to be covered in blood. The father in shock fell to the ground next to the body of his son.
«Alors tomba du ciel un grand astre, ... sur le tiers des fleuves». (La Bible, Apocalypse 8,10)
“there fell a great star from heaven...upon the third part of the rivers”. (The Holy Bible, Revelation 8:10)
Etudiante, elle tomba amoureuse d’un jeune voisin, qui ne fut pas apprécié des parents.
She went to college and fell in love with a young man in the community against the wishes of her parents.
Le mari de l'auteur fut tabassé, tomba sur le sol et perdit connaissance.
The author's husband was attacked, fell to the ground and lost consciousness.
Le vieil homme ne passa qu'une nuit avec la reine, et celleci tomba enceinte.
The old man spent just one night with the chief queen, she fell pregnant.
Il a versé le poison sur sa langue et tomba essoufflé sur terre.
He poured the poison on his tongue and fell breathless on the ground.
- et tomba amoureuse de Rafael.
- and fell for Rafael.
"et tomba au sol en pâmoison."
"and fell to the ground in a swoon."
Mais l'âme perdit ses ailes et tomba au sol.
But the soul lost its wings and fell to Earth.
Et elle embrassa le Prince Heureux et tomba morte à ses pieds.
And he kissed the Happy Prince and fell down dead at his feet.
Un soir, Joe alla à une fête et tomba amoureux de Mary.
One night, Joe went to a party and fell in love with a girl named Mary.
Magua le lâcha soudain et tomba en arriére d'un bloc, en apparence sans vie."
Magua suddenly relinquished his grasp and fell backward without motion, and seemingly without life.
Il fit un pas en avant et tomba à la renverse.
He took one step forward and fell flat on his back.
Il oublia la perle... et tomba dans un sommeil profond.
Forgot about the pearl... and fell into a deep sleep.
Il entra à l'université à 18 ans et tomba amoureux.
He was 18 when he entered the university and fell in love.
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