Translation for "est que battu" to english
Est que battu
Translation examples
is that beaten
Il aurait été sauvagement battu.
He was allegedly beaten severely.
Plusieurs ont été battus.
A number of them were beaten.
Il était souvent battu.
He was beaten frequently.
Il aurait été battu.
He was allegedly beaten.
Il aurait été sévèrement battu.
He was reportedly severely beaten.
Ils auraient été battus à plusieurs reprises.
They were reportedly beaten.
Frappés ou battus
Struck or beaten
Les prisonniers sont régulièrement battus.
Prisoners are regularly beaten.
En fin de compte, les sécessionnistes ont été battus en juillet 1994 et ont pris la route de l'exil.
Finally, the secessionists were defeated in July 1994 and went into exile.
Le texte de ces documents aurait battu en brèche les arguments de l'État partie selon lesquels un recours utile était disponible.
Had it provided all those documents, they would have defeated its arguments on the availability of effective remedies.
Mais celles—ci ne partent pas toutes battues d'avance; certaines ont décidé de réagir.
But not all railway administrations have accepted defeat; some have decided to fight back.
L'ancien Président, M. H. Kamuzu Banda, et son Malawi Congress Party ont été battus.
The former President, Mr. H. Kamuzu Banda, and his Malawi Congress Party were defeated.
L'UTI a battu l'Alliance et a étendu son autorité au-delà de Muqdisho.
The Union defeated the Alliance and expanded its authority beyond Mogadishu.
Dès 1605, des Hollandais avaient battu les Portugais à Tidore et Ambon et s'étaient appropriés leurs territoires.
By 1605, the Dutch had defeated the Portuguese at Tidore and Ambon and had occupied the territory themselves.
Au second tour, M. Ouattara a battu M. Gbagbo, mais celuici a refusé de démissionner.
In the second round of voting, Mr. Ouattara defeated Mr. Gbagbo, but the latter refused to step down.
Ils ont été battus, et la vieille ville rasée.
They were defeated and the old town was razed.
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