Translation for "devient difficile" to english
Devient difficile
Translation examples
Quels que soient leurs objectifs à court et long terme, l'effet domino de la course aux armements devient difficile à maîtriser.
Whatever their shortterm and longterm objectives, the domino effect of arms-building becomes difficult to curtail.
Dans ces cas, il devient difficile d'éliminer en temps utile les tensions accumulées.
In such cases, the timely removal of built-up tensions becomes difficult.
Y assurer des activités sanitaires et la distribution des fournitures médicales devient difficile et onéreux.
Outreach health activities and distribution of medical supplies becomes difficult and costly;
Par la suite, il devient difficile d'estimer l'impact du dispositif mis en place.
Subsequently, it becomes difficult to estimate the impact of the system introduced.
Lorsqu'elles sont complexes ou multiples, cependant, le choix devient difficile.
However, when isobaths are complex or repeated in multiples, the selection of points along the 2,500 m isobath becomes difficult.
Partant, il devient difficile, voire inutile, de suivre et d'évaluer les résultats sur la base du budget.
With this deficiency, tracking and measuring performance based on budget becomes difficult and meaningless.
L'insécurité alimentaire qui en résulte devient difficile à résorber et les vagues de sécheresse successives aggravent encore le problème.
The resultant food insecurity becomes difficult to deal with, and further droughts worsen the problem.
Le rôle de mentor et de guide devient difficile.
The role of mentor and guide becomes difficult.
Dans certaines régions du pays, il devient difficile de se procurer les matériaux de construction traditionnels en quantité suffisante.
In some parts of the country building materials for traditional houses are becoming difficult to obtain in adequate quantities.
Lorsqu'un grand nombre de biens doit être évalué, chaque estimation devient difficile et onéreuse.
When a large number of properties have to be valued, individual appraisals become difficult and costly.
Si sa respiration devient difficile, prends-lui une bouteille d'oxygène à la pharmacie.
If his breathing becomes difficult... you can go down to Baxby's Pharmacy and get him an oxygen tank.
Quand elle se réveille, être debout devient difficile.
So when it flares up, Standing becomes difficult for him.
Ta respiration devient difficile.
It becomes difficult to breathe, Is it not?
Comme vous le savez, il devient difficile de trouver un canal sécurisé.
But as you are undoubtedly aware it's become difficult to locate a secure broadcast position.
Elle devient difficile à contrôler.
She's becoming difficult.
Une fois associé à ce genre de drame, il devient difficile d'inspirer la sécurité.
Once you become associated with something like that, it becomes difficult to be seen as a safe pair of hands.
Si elle devient difficile, amène-la-moi.
If she becomes difficult, bring her in to me.
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