Translation for "de succomber à" to english
Translation examples
Un des blessés a ensuite succombé à ses blessures.
One of the wounded peacekeepers later succumbed to his injuries.
Il a en effet succombé à une grave crise de paludisme.
He succumbed to a severe attack of malaria.
L'une d'entre elles avait ensuite succombé à ses blessures.
One of them succumbed to injuries later.
Le militaire a ensuite succombé à ses blessures à l'hôpital.
The soldier later succumbed to his wounds in hospital.
L'une des personnes blessées a succombé à ses blessures.
One of the injured succumbed to his injuries.
Néanmoins, cette institution ne peut pas se permettre de succomber sous l'effet de telles tentatives.
However, this institution cannot afford to succumb to such attempts.
Ma délégation n'a pas encore succombé à un tel cynisme.
My delegation has not yet succumbed to such cynicism.
Le soldat a succombé à ses blessures.
The peacekeeper later succumbed to his injuries.
Ils doivent résister, et non pas succomber, aux pressions des autres membres du Conseil.
They have to resist, and not succumb to, pressure by other members of the Council.
Niamat Ahmer a succombé sur-le-champ à ses blessures.
Niamat Ahmer succumbed to his injuries then and there.
Permission de succomber à mes blessures.
Uh, permission to succumb to my wounds.
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