Translation for "balle a" to english
Balle a
Translation examples
bullet has
Cette balle a un diamètre de 25 millimètres.
This bullet has a diameter of 25 millimeters.
Et la balle a causé des dommages dans son abdomen.
And the bullet has caused damage in her abdomen.
Et bien, la balle a été enlevée.
Well, the bullet has been removed.
Je pense que la balle a transpercé mes poumons.
I think the bullet has pierced my lungs.
Cette une balle a ruiné tout le bonheur de ma famille!
That one bullet has ruined all the happiness of my family!
Mais au cours des dernières années, la balle a bougé.
But in the last few years, the bullet has meandered.
Je crois que chaque balle a son propre destin
I believe, every bullet has a fate of its own
Une balle a été retirée de sa cuisse.
A bullet has been removed from Sinead Hamilton's thigh.
La balle a érafle mon épaule.
The bullet has just grazed my shoulder. But the blood...
On dirait que la balle a endommagé votre scapula.
It looks like the bullet has damaged your scapula.
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