Translation for "yellow cloth" to spanish
Translation examples
It is bound in a shining yellow cloth that, when polished, gleams like brass.
La portada es de tela amarilla brillante, y al sacarle brillo, resplandece como metal.
But it held—only the end of the yellow cloth dangled free.
Pero se sostuvo, sólo el extremo de la tela amarilla se quedó suelto.
she swore, and glared at the roll of yellow cloth tied to her wrist.
—maldijo ella y miró el rollo de tela amarilla atado a su muñeca.
It is to be made of yellow cloth and bear in black lettering the inscription JUDEN.
Se confeccionará de tela amarilla, llevando con letras negras la inscripción JUDEN.
Lawler was wearing only a twist of yellow cloth around his waist.
Lawler vestía sólo una tela amarilla enrollada a la altura de la cintura.
Upon each, front and back, was sewn the star of yellow cloth.
En cada prenda, delante y detrás, iba cosida una estrella de tela amarilla.
It was basically a puppet, made of yellow cloth with some purple and blue rags tacked on.
Era básicamente una marioneta hecha de tela amarilla y con algunos trapos púrpuras y azules cosidos.
Jews were forced to wear a yellow cloth badge to identify themselves as a race apart.
Los judíos tenían que llevar una banda de tela amarilla para señalarse a sí mismos como una raza aparte.
The Council of Ravenna decreed that all Jews must wear a wheel cut of yellow cloth … so they could be distinguished from Christians.
El Consejo de Ravena decretó que los judíos usaran una rueda de tela amarilla para distinguirse de los cristianos;
He saw the flag-mast draped in yellow cloth with a triangular flag above the conglomeration of mud huts.
Vio el mástil envuelto en tela amarilla coronado por un banderín triangular, elevándose sobre un conglomerado de chozas de adobe.
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